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KSHI Department at the Festival of Fashion and theatrical Costume

KSHI Department at the Festival of Fashion and theatrical Costume

Ekaterina Banakova, a student of the Department of Sewing Products Design, took first place at the jubilee, XX festival of fashion and theatrical costume "Volga Seasons of Alexander Vasiliev", held in Samara.

Among 60 young designers from Moscow, Orenburg, Sochi, Podolsk, Samara, Tolyatti, China, Barnaul, Pyatigorsk, Kursa, Ulyanovsk and other cities on the stage of the Samara Opera and Ballet Theater, our student is the only one who presented a men's collection. White color, sporty style, applique of thin straight colored lines, original design solutions... Such, for example, as a small backpack - a one-piece element of a hoodie. The collection entitled "Catch the wind" was made by Ekaterina Banakova under the guidance of associate professor of the Department of KSHI Anastasia Kornilovich from the fabrics of the industrial partner of IVSPU - JSC "KHBK "Shuisky calico". Together with the winner's diploma, Ekaterina received a special prize - a sewing machine from the PROFI DRESS factory, the largest Samara manufacturer of special clothing.

Let's add that Katya became one of the few designers who released models in stylish masks on the catwalk. "Taking into account the trends, the mask remains the most relevant and in-demand accessory," the information portal VolgaNews.rf reports about her collection

In addition to E. Banakova, Ivanovo Polytechnic University, as a Competence Center for Textile and Light Industry, was also represented in Samara by the head of the Department of the KSHI, Professor Viktor Kuzmichev. As part of the business program of the festival, his four-hour lecture on the topic "Systematization of promising fashion trends 2022/23" was held, in which the main factors influencing the development of designing and modeling of all types of clothing in the post-pandemic period of digital fashion and online commerce were considered.

For reference

The festival of fashion and theatrical costume, held in Samara, is headed by the world-famous fashion historian, collector, theater artist, author of numerous bestsellers on the history of fashion, honorary member of the Academy of Arts of Russia, host of the program "Fashion Verdict" on Channel One Alexander Vasiliev. The festival is a long-standing partner of the Russian Silhouette Charity Foundation, and the best winning collections make up the mosaic of Russian youth fashion at the Moscow finals. The festival is supported by the Alexander Vasiliev Foundation, the Alliance Francaise Samara, the Union of Journalists of Russia, the Union of Designers of Russia and other reputable organizations.

Mikhail Vorobyov (Orenburg) received the Grand Prix of the Festival with the collection "White Wedge", which recreated the images of Russian women at different stages of the history of our state using Orenburg shawls and folk techniques for producing multilayer products. Winners in other categories ("Costume - artistic idea", "Theatrical costume", "Performance") students from Orenburg, Sochi and Podolsk near Moscow became.

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