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News on english
Polytechnic University and the ASSOL Center present a new program

An experiment is starting at Ivanovo Polytechnic University - the launch of a two-year master's program in in-depth training for clothing designers, jointly with the ASSOL Center (Moscow). And this opens up great opportunities for clothing companies.

News on english
The Assol Center and Polytechnic University are preparing a new generation of clothing designers

A month ago, the Assol Center opened a course on working with a computer-aided design (CAD) system for clothing for students - future fashion designers and designers.

News on english
Trade union: a year of reports and elections

At the VII reporting and election conference of the primary trade union organization of Ivanovo Polytechnic workers on April 26th, Natalya Shcherbakova was again elected as its chairman.

News on english
Italian architects visiting the Polytechnic University

On May 13, a meeting of teachers and students of the Department of Architecture and Urban Studies with representatives of the Italian studio of Architecture and Design ARNO ARHITETTURE took place.

News on english
About the new procedure for organizing targeted training

On May 1, an updated procedure for organizing targeted education in universities and colleges began to operate in Russia.

News on english
Polytech at Sochi Fashion Week

Antonina Karapapas, a fourth-year student of the Department of Costume and Textile Design named after N.G. Mizonova, presented a collection of clothes at Sochi Fashion Week.

News on english
The students met the propaganda train "Sila in Pravda" (“Power in truth”)

Jn April 27, the propaganda train of the Ministry of Defense "Sila in Pravda" (“Power in truth”) arrived in Ivanovo. Students of the IVSPU also visited the mobile museum together with numerous citizens.

News on english
P.S: The SEARCH Conference

The National Youth Scientific and Technical Conference "SEARCH", which was held at the IVSPU on April 23-25, has completed its work. The Organizing Committee expresses its gratitude to all who took part in it, and publishes a list of winners of the competition for the best sectional report.

News on english
The academic year has been completed at the Aquarius Engineering School

On April 24, a joint Engineering school with the Aquarius Company completed its work at the Ivanovo Polytechnic University.

News on english

The next issue of the Industry News Digest from SOYUZLEGPROM has been published.

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