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About the new procedure for organizing targeted training

About the new procedure for organizing targeted training

On May 1, an updated procedure for organizing targeted education in universities and colleges began to operate in Russia.

According to the resolution The Government of the Russian Federation No. 555 dated April 27, 2024, continues to have the opportunity to conclude an agreement on targeted training for citizens entering a university or college and students studying there. The innovation is that now all customer proposals for the conclusion of targeted training contracts will be posted on the Work of Russia platform and will become publicly available. Applicants and students will be able to familiarize themselves with them and apply directly on this platform or through the public services portal.

It is worth adding that the essential terms of the contract on targeted training will now be the customer's obligations to provide various support measures to the citizen during the training period (financial incentives, payment for tuition and additional education outside the framework of the chosen educational program, provision for use and (or) payment for housing, etc.). The customer organization is also obliged to specify the future location in the contract the graduate's work, organize an internship for the student and employ him at the end of his studies in accordance with the received qualifications. In turn, the student undertakes obligations to successfully master the educational program and carry out work after completing his studies at the place specified by the contract for at least three years.

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