Trade union: a year of reports and elections

At the VII reporting and election conference of the primary trade union organization of Ivanovo Polytechnic workers on April 26th, Natalya Shcherbakova was again elected as its chairman.
The conference was attended by university staff and administration, guests, veterans of the trade union movement, and social partners. Among them: the rector of the ISPU Evgeny Rumyantsev, the chairman of the Ivanovo regional organization of the trade union of education Nadezhda Moskaleva and the head of the information work department Elena Bardyukova, the chairman of the PPO of ISPU students Alexander Gavrilov, the deputy of the Ivanovo Regional Duma, the director of the SvetoDar clinic Natalya Kukanova, the leaders of the MedLab company Natalya and Mikhail Shatov, head of sales department DORSOCLUB Yuri Yutanov and others.
Conference delegates and guests heard reports on the results of the five-year activities of the chairman of the trade union organization, Natalya Shcherbakova, and the chairman of the control and audit commission, Alena Beltseva. Maria Toropova, Tatyana Maksimova and Olga Meshcheryakova, who spoke in the debate, gave a satisfactory assessment of the work of the trade union committee.
During the conference, new trade union bodies were also elected: the trade union committee and the control and audit commission, followed by an award ceremony for activists of the trade union organization and its social partners.