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News on english
Ivanovo Polytechnic University is a Participant in the All-Russian Employment Fair

On April 12, Ivanovo Polytechnic University took part in the regional stage of the All-Russian Employment Fair. Our University presented its training directions to schoolchildren, and students met with employers.

News on english
Polytechnic students designed entry signs for Gavrilovo-Posad district

The projects were executed by students of the Department of Architecture and Urbanism within the discipline “Architectural Design”.

News on english
MAYAK sent a signal from Law Enforcement Agencies

On April 10, a career guidance meeting "MAYAK" with employees of State Law Enforcement Agencies took place at the Ivanovo Polytechnic University.

News on english
Important meeting between the Rector of the Polytechnic University and the President of SOYUZLEGPROM

During the meeting of Evgeniy Rumyantsev and Andrey Razbrodin on April 9, the parties discussed issues of interaction between Ivanovo Polytechnic University and SOYUZLEGPROM.

News on english
Ivanovo Polytechnic University is the winner of the competition of the Movement of the First

A solid grant will be awarded to the Polytech – The First: Three Steps to a Profession project, which will involve more than three thousand Ivanovo teenagers in interesting and useful career guidance activities, as well as introduce children to key industries for the region and the Bolshaya Ivanovo Manufactory campus.

News on english
Our student became a lecturer of the ELEPHANT project

Alexey Krupnov became the first student of our university to give a lecture in the scientific and educational project "ELEPHANT" ("Solaris. Lectures on science") on March 27.

News on english
They will become professionals

Under this heading, a story about the progress of the "Professionalism" project was released on one of the central TV channels. Among the sites presented on the screen is the Ivanovo Polytechnic Educational and Production Complex working for the Russian light industry.

News on english
A new meeting with Shuisky Aquarius

On March 27, the Engineering School of the Aquarius Company from the city of Shuya continued its work at the Ivanovo Polytechnic University.

News on english
Polytechnic scientists open the way to science for schoolchildren

Polytechnic professors Marina Akulova and Lyudmila Oparina acted as experts of the regional competition of scientific and technological projects "Big Challenges", held at the Solaris Center on March 21-22.

News on english
Architecture students of the MGAKHI named after V. I. Surikov presented their projects at the Polytechniс University

Within the framework of the International Scientific and Practical Conference "Quality of life: Architecture, construction, transport, education" held at IVSPU, the Moscow State Art Institute named after V.I. Surikov presented the best diploma projects of students of the architectural field.

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