P.S: The SEARCH Conference

The National Youth Scientific and Technical Conference "SEARCH", which was held at the IVSPU on April 23-25, has completed its work. The Organizing Committee expresses its gratitude to all who took part in it, and publishes a list of winners of the competition for the best sectional report.
The conference was held in nine thematic areas (sections). More than a thousand students, undergraduates, and postgraduates from more than thirty Russian and foreign universities participated, who submitted more than 450 abstracts in their applications. Unfortunately, not everyone had the opportunity to make a presentation. Nevertheless, the chairmen of the sections managed to identify the most relevant topics and present a "picture" with the results of the research activities of young scientists.
In response to a request to note the most interesting moments in the work of the sections, the head of the KSHI Department, Professor Viktor Kuzmichev, said that graduates of the postgraduate department from several universities of the People's Republic of China - Wuhan Textile University, Zhongyuan University of Technology and Hubei University of Technology actively participated in the work of section No. 6. "Young Chinese scientists continue their research in the field of digitalization of design processes, preservation of cultural heritage and search for new original solutions," Viktor Evgenievich noted with satisfaction and added that among the speakers were also participants of the "Rediscovering Russia" expedition - Victoria Kuznetsova and Maria Zhukova, winner of the startup competition Evgeny Cherny.
And at the session of section No. 4, during the discussion of the report of student Anna Mayorova, in which she presented the results of studying the antimicrobial properties of polypropylene yarn with polytetrafluoroethylene coating and metal nanoparticles, Associate professor of the Department of ENandTB Tatyana Chesnokova drew the attention of the young researcher to the interesting characteristics of materials obtained during her experiment. The author himself, for some reason, did not take them into account, and this fact opens up prospects for new scientific research!
The high level of training of the speakers was also noted by the chairman of section No. 8 "Actual problems of ensuring the quality of materials, goods and services", Professor Natalia Gruzintseva. According to Natalia Alexandrovna and her colleagues from the competition committee, the first places were deservedly taken by Julia Marushchak, a graduate student of Vitebsk State Technological University, and Tatyana Mesheleva, a student of the UK-31 Ivanovo Polytechnic University, who shared their scientific results in the field of textile materials science with the participants of the conference.
In addition, the teachers of the MTSM department, of whom there were many at the section meeting, listened with great interest to the report of a group of students from the Kosygin Russian State University (Technologies. Design. Art). The guys presented the results of a study on the topic "Why did applicants choose the field of study "Commodity Science", and what do they expect from training?". "For us, teachers, the opinion "from the other side of the desk" is of course very important," Natalia Alexandrovna remarks with a smile and says that this report has become a pleasant "highlight" of the entire conference.
The young researchers also left a pleasant impression on the co-chairs of Section No.8 Lyudmila Oparina and Valery Ogurtsov. The authors of the reports, the winners of the competition for the best performance, were recommended by the leading sections to take part in another annual IVSPU conference. It is called "Quality of life: architecture, construction, transport, education".