Italian architects visiting the Polytechnic University

On May 13, a meeting of teachers and students of the Department of Architecture and Urban Studies with representatives of the Italian studio of Architecture and Design ARNO ARHITETTURE took place.
The Polytechnic was visited by an architect, designer, founder of the studio, member of the Union of Architects of Italy Giuseppe Arnone and Managing Partner, Project Manager Natalia Arnone. Their company develops architectural and interior solutions for elite residential real estate – apartments, houses and estate complexes in any city in the world. Italian specialists also build houses from glued beams taking into account bioclimatic standards and were pleased to share their personal experience and vision of the problems of modern urban planning with their Ivanovo colleagues and young people.
During this impromptu master class, Giuseppe Arnone stated that the world is waiting for big changes, and we must rethink not only our consumption habits, but also treat the organization of our work and home space differently. He illustrated this concept with examples of his architectural projects. Residential buildings in them appear more comfortable and adaptive, since, according to the architect, this is not only a place for family entertainment, but also sometimes for productive work, with the opportunity to retire in a personal space. Natalia Arnone told how a young architect can find a job, adapt to the team and prepare his creative portfolio. The guests answered numerous questions, and this interesting unexpected meeting will be remembered for a long time.