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The Assol Center and Polytechnic University are preparing a new generation of clothing designers

The Assol Center and Polytechnic University are preparing a new generation of clothing designers

A month ago, the Assol Center opened a course on working with a computer-aided design (CAD) system for clothing for students - future fashion designers and designers.

As part of the first enrollment, five students were selected for the course, who test an IT product for free and learn to work with this digital tool. The training is conducted by an instructor from the Assol School, and judging by her weekly messages, despite the complex and intense program, Maria Zhukova, Eva Zharinova, Daria Mozharina and Darina Romanenkova successfully complete the tasks. And the instructor named Antonina Lazareva from the IVSPU College as the leader of the group, who “almost always succeeds in everything the first time.”

Let us remind you that a group of students began studying at the Assol School following their own teachers. Three months of intensive training have already allowed college teachers Marina Savelyeva and Irina Kharakhnina, associate professors of the department of garment design Marina Surikova and Anastasia Kornilovich, as well as master’s student of the department Alena Beltseva and graduate Kristina Dementieva to gain valuable practical skills.

As the rector of the Polytechnic University, Evgeny Rumyantsev, noted: “The best way to strengthen a team of teachers is to independently train new specialists. I would like to thank the Assol Center, which organized two pilot training streams at once. With the help of such a partner, we will end up with specialists trained for our strategic tasks and projects.”

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