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Keeping the traditions of the Textile Academy

Keeping the traditions of the Textile Academy

The direction of training 29.00.00 Light industry technologies, which is implemented by the Ivanovo Polytechnic University, is recognized as one of the best in our country.

This is the conclusion reached by members of the Guild of Vocational Education Experts, who conduct an independent assessment of higher education. The rating of the best educational programs of universities in the Russian Federation in 2022 is published on the website https://best-edu.ru/

Our 29th group ranks second in the National Recognition ranking, ahead of all metropolitan universities, and is in sixth place in the national aggregated subject ranking. This is the merit of all the teachers of the Institute of Textile Industry and Fashion of the Polytechnic University, thanks to whose work the main direction of the institute was so highly appreciated.

Recall that the line 29.00.00 Light industry training technologies includes the most popular specialties for the clothing and textile industry of the Ivanovo region: clothing designers, technologists of clothing and textile products. The information resource itself was created to post the results of an independent, objective, fair assessment of the quality of higher education in Russia and acquaintance with it will be useful for applicants to choose their dream university, and for universities themselves to strengthen the competitiveness and export potential of their educational programs.

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