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The Polytechnic University hosted a festival-competition of children's creativity

The Polytechnic University hosted a festival-competition of children's creativity

The concert, in which the children of employees and students of the Polytechnic University showed off their talents, was a wonderful gift for Mother's Day, celebrated on November 27th .

Dances, poems, vocal and musical performances, demonstration performances by masters of martial arts and rhythmic gymnastics, even a demonstration of children's clothing collections - all this was on the stage of the Polytechnic University. The performances of young talents were evaluated by members of the competition commission: Tatyana Maksimova, head of the educational and social work department, Daria Bochkareva, head of “the Universe City” dance team, Natalya Shcherbakova, chairman of the trade union committee of employees, Alexander Gavrilov, head of the Student Communities Development Center at ISPU, and head of the Your Future project, in within the framework of which the Festival-competition of children's creativity was held, the 3rd year student of Ecology and Environmental Management Direction Daria Brunova.

In addition to the concert in the foyer, the audience was treated to an exhibition of works by pupils of the Children's Creative Workshop. For three months, the children learned how to make cotton toys, work with cardboard, paint fabric and assemble appliqués. The children also presented their works to their mothers. And the young artists themselves and the participants of the Creative Workshop received diplomas and branded backpacks with very useful little things: albums, pens, pencil cases, notebooks, rulers and even water bottles, after which they went to an animated disco where they had a lot of fun.

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