Russian culture on the Internet
Digital models of historical costumes developed by Alexey and Maria Moskviny, Candidates of Sciences from SPbGUPTD, together with employees of the Department of KSHI, are actively downloaded by visitors of the Sketchfab Internet platform, where 3D, VR and AR content is published, exchanged, sold and bought.
The attention of users was attracted by 3D models of virtual doubles of historical costumes from the projects "Living Lubok" and Nash Ostrovsky, implemented jointly with the D.G.Burylin Museum and the People's Theater of the Young Spectator. Historical drawings and scans of textile materials became the initial base, and several computer programs were used to generate them.
The result is digital models with the highest degree of realism and color rendering, the number of downloads of which has already exceeded 10,000. "Most often, computer game developers and creators of historical films, as well as designers and popularizers of Russian history, turn to virtual models," says Professor Viktor Kuzmichev, head of the Department of Sewing Products Design at IVSPU: "We consider this form of presentation of virtual doubles as an effective way to popularize Russian historical costume and an occasion to turn to their origins in decorative- applied art," he adds.