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Электронная приемная

On the new order of targeted education

On May 30, a round table was held at Ivanovo Polytechnic University on new requirements for targeted training.

The meeting was opened by Vice-Rector for Educational Activities Alexey Matrokhin, who said that the university is a center of competence in key areas of development of the regional economy (textile and light industry, construction, road and machine-building complexes, housing and communal services, gas and water supply engineering systems and etc.) and directs all efforts to bring together the interests of the university and organizations in the real sector of the economy.

Regarding changes in the procedure for organizing targeted training, Alexey Yuryevich noted that targeted admission is still possible for budget places within the allocated admission quotas. The procedure for concluding an agreement on targeted training is given on the IVSPU website HERE. The changes are due to the fact that now the applicant must select proposals on the Unified Digital Platform “Work in Russia”, and customers must publish them on this resource before June 10. The vice-rector’s speech was supplemented by the executive secretary of the admissions committee, Maria Ometova, and the head of the practice and employment department, Elena Vlasova, answered the listeners’ questions about personnel training.

The seminar was attended by representatives of a number of graduating and basic departments, as well as the companies “Zarubezhenergoproekt”, “Sudar”, “Vazhenka”, “Silver Thread”, “Aquarius”, “Ivanovo Melange Plant”, Textile Company “Russian House”, parents of applicants.

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