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The Polytechnic Summer School starts operating in Ivanovo

The Polytechnic Summer School starts operating in Ivanovo

On the eve of International Children's Day, the Ivanovo Polytechnic Summer School opens in our city. This year, this now traditional “school” university session has become the largest in terms of the number of young participants. In the first month of the summer holidays, one hundred Ivanovo schoolchildren will be able to relax, gain new knowledge and a lot of unforgettable impressions.

For a whole month, the university will turn into a Marathon of Impressions site with thematic laboratories, experimental tasks, intellectual games, quests and various creativity zones. Schoolchildren aged 12-17 will be invited to join master classes on architectural 3D graphics, digital design and programming, will be helped to design their dream home, come up with its interior and simulate engineering systems, will be told how traditional and the most unusual fabrics in the world are created, and will be invited to feel yourself as a textile designer or digital fashion designer and will be invited to take a stroll into the metaverse for a virtual fashion show.

Four thematic tracks: Fashion, Architecture, Construction and the Internet, replacing each other, will introduce children to the world of interesting and urgently in demand professions in our region. A little earlier, at the application stage, boys and girls had already undergone testing to help outline their area of interest. And at the School they will learn about new opportunities for themselves that are provided not only by the university, but also by the Scientific and Educational Center “Big Ivanovo Manufactory” being created in Ivanovo.

The Youth Policy and Sports Committee of the Ivanovo City Administration, regional branches of the First Movement, the Union of Artists and The Union of Designers of Russia, the Ivanovo Association of Builders, the Home Style company and the Assol Center. And thanks to the support of the city administration and the university’s victory in the grant competition of the Movement of the First (the project “Polytech – the First: Three Steps to a Profession”), the current session of the Summer School with meals, a rich educational program and a leisure block has become absolutely free for parents.

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