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Polytech is the winner of the Rosmolodezh grant competition

Polytech is the winner of the Rosmolodezh grant competition

Ivanovo Polytechnic University has once again become the winner of the Rosmolodezh grant competition (Federal Agency for Youth Affairs) among educational institutions of higher education of the Russian Federation.

Three major projects aimed at solving social problems not only of the university and its students, but also of the region and the country as a whole received high marks from Rosmolodezh experts. With substantial grant support, the following projects will be implemented: the Accelerator of Young Science of the Light Industry with the annual All–Russian Youth competition and the youth scientific school – the first visiting "campus of the light industry", as well as two comprehensive development programs for traditional family values (the My Family project) and intercultural and interethnic relations (the Polytech International project). The total amount of budget financing will exceed eight million rubles!

Of course, other sources of financing will be involved in the projects, but still the main work will be carried out at the expense of grants from Rosmolodezh. "This is a powerful and important support for the university, thanks to which our projects will become more ambitious in terms of the number of participants, the quality and number of events will increase," commented Alexander Gavrilov, head of the University Center for Student Community Development, on the victory in the competition.

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