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The young and talented are welcome at Meganom Academy

The young and talented are welcome at Meganom Academy

What is taught at the new Academy of Creative Industries “Meganom”, and what kind of atmosphere reigns in it, how the Academy is connected with the “Tavrida” festival, and who can join the team of the most talented and creative, our first-year students learned at a meeting with Associate Professor of the Department of Costume Design named after. N.G. Mizonova and, at the same time, expert of the Tavrida art cluster Maxim Krylov.

The meeting, organized as part of the #DesignYourFuture project, took place on October 19th – right before Maxim Krylov’s departure to China. He will go there as part of an official delegation, together with the organizers of the Meganom Academy and other year-round educational centers in Russia.

Maxim told the students how he twice became a participant in the Tavrida. ART Festival of Young Art, and later changed his status and became an official expert of Tavrida. Already in this capacity, I witnessed how another point of attraction for young talents appeared on the map of our country: architects, musicians, designers, representatives of other creative professions from all regions of Russia, dreaming of moving forward.

Describing the territory of the Crimean art cluster and the educational programs of Meganom, admiring how cool and atmospheric it is, Maxim especially noted that studying there should not be considered as an alternative to studying at a university, and the competition for participation in Tavrida events is, as a rule, decent 12-15 people per place! For those young talents who are lucky enough to get to Tavrida, professionals will help them enter the world of art, involving young people in unique, often interdisciplinary projects. There is no place for competition, but rather hard work and communication skills are valued.

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