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Ivanovo Polytechnic University at the International Children's Congress

Ivanovo Polytechnic University at the International Children's Congress

On June 1st – 3rd, Moscow hosted the IV Assembly of the International Children's Congress, which was attended by the head of the Department of Costume Design and Textiles. N.G. Mizonova Olga Surikova.

The Congress was held by the autonomous non-profit organization "WORLD OF ARTS - II" with the support of the Commission for UNESCO under the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation, the International Union of Non-Governmental Organizations "Assembly of the Peoples of Eurasia", the Faculty of Arts of Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov and Ivanovo Polytechnic University. As it was stated at a press conference with the participation of the Secretary General of the Eurasian Peoples' Assembly Andrei Belyaninov, UNESCO Goodwill Ambassador Alexandra Ochirova and President of the International Children's Congress Vladimir Vikyu, the purpose of its holding is to support talented children and comprehensive assistance in realizing their creative potential.

This year the Congress received 120 delegates - children aged 5 to 14 from Russia, Uzbekistan, Belarus, Mongolia, Kenya, Uganda, China, UAE, Bahrain, Djibouti, Syria, Oman, Botswana, Palestine, Lebanon, Jordan, India and Egypt. For three days, the participants had to prepare a script, scenery, costumes and put on a play written by the children themselves. Under the guidance of Olga Surikova, a group of children from Russia, Armenia and China created stage costumes for more than 40 characters in the play.

All other tasks were also solved by the children with mentors. The "Literature" group came up with the script for the play, the "Theater" group staged it, the "Choreography" group prepared a dance number for the play, and the "Media" group filmed and edited a film about everything that happened during the Congress.

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