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The Polytechnic University hosted a digital job fair

The Polytechnic University hosted a digital job fair

The digital job fair held on December 21stwas attended by 90 students and 32 businesses. Employers and students "met" on the Internet platform "Facultetus".

With the help of this service, enterprises offered vacancies and internships, invited students for interviews, and conducted various tests. Most of the vacancies were in the IT, social, education, engineering, management and sales sectors. Less - in construction, programming, marketing and PR, consulting and civil service.

Maxim Shilov, Elena Belova, Evgeny Emelin, Anastasia Panova and Damir Zaripov became the leaders in terms of the number of job offers. So, Denis Yakupov decided to take the vacancy of an assistant manager in the “Taviat” company, and DamirZaripov received an invitation to do an internship at the Regional Cadastral Center. By the way, any student could get access to a wide database of vacancies from employers, it was enough to register at the Faculty.

It is also worth noting that among the participants of the Fair there were both long-term partners of the university - the Ivanovo companies "Polymer Export" and "Eurasia-Group", the Galich Truck Crane Plant, and those who first applied for vacancies to students of the Polytechnic University. The geography of demand for ISPU graduates was expanded by the Yaroslavl companies IT-Consulting and Gavrilov-Yamsky Machine-Building Plant “Agat”, the Sarapul Electric Power Plant, the Irkutsk Caterpillar Plant, the “Energoremont Plus” enterprise from the Moscow region and the Moscow Power Engineering Plant and a number of others.

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