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Textile workers of Russia - for the Year of light industry in the Russian Federation

Textile workers of Russia - for the Year of light industry in the Russian Federation

At the final annual meeting of the RussianAssociation of Textile Workers (ATW), held on December 15thin Moscow, the public initiative to hold the Year of Light Industry in the Russian Federation was unanimously supported.

Heads of production, business, representatives of foreign companies, exhibition committees, industry educational and scientific institutions took part in the discussion of the idea in the “Captains of the Textile Business” format. ATW President Shamkha lIldarov said in a statement: “We support the idea, and we also ask that representatives of the Association be included in the initiative group for preparing events for the Year of Light Industry in the Russian Federation.”

It is worth adding that the idea of holding a large-scale all-Russian event consolidating industry and society is more than three years old. The initiator was the Thermopolcompany (TM Hollofiber), according to which the Year of Light Industry can unite one of the key industries of the country, finally give it a lost high status, pay attention to both the raw material and personnel problems, stimulate import substitution. This is fully consistent with the modern assessment of the textile and light industry, given in the speeches of the Russian Federation President Vladimir Putin, Prime Minister Mikhail Mishustin and Deputy Prime Minister Denis Manturov, head of the Ministry of Industry and Trade.

The idea of "Termopol" was supported by representatives of the industry community - the delegates of the First Light Industry Forum of the Central Federal District, held in November in Orel, and even offered Oksana Fedorova, who participated in the event, to become an ambassador of the renaissance of the domestic light industry. The participants of the All-Russian Fashion 4.0 Festival, which has just ended in Ivanovo, also spoke out for the Year of Light Industry, and at the meeting of the Asia-Pacific Region it was decided to go to the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation with the initiative to prepare a comprehensive program for the Year of Light Industry in the Russian Federation in 2024.

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