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University at the exhibition "Ivanovo education"

University at the exhibition "Ivanovo education"

Study in Ivanovo - under this motto, an educational exhibition was held in our city on December 17, in which the Polytechnic took part.

The event was organized on the basis of the regional center for the identification and support of gifted children "Solaris" in order to introduce school graduates to the areas of training of Ivanovo universities and began with the signing of an agreement on cooperation in educational and research fields between the University of Continuing Education and Innovation and universities of the city of Ivanovo. The students were hosted by the organizers of various thematic platforms, including the Ivanovo Polytechnic University, where the children were told about the peculiarities of training architects, builders, specialists in the field of IT, nanotechnology, fashion and design.

Exhibitions of Ivanovo education have not been held in the region for several years. It is planned to make such meetings traditional.

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