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The best young textile artists were presented at the FASHION 4.0 festival

The best young textile artists were presented at the FASHION 4.0 festival

The works of the finalists of the contest "Textile Design - the Link of times", held by the Shuisky Calico company, are presented as part of the V All-Russian festival "Fashion 4.0 - Evolution" in the new city art center "Arteria".

The exhibition opened on December 15 and it presents crocs of fabrics for shawls, bed linen, plaid and shirt fabrics. All of them are intended for rotary printing, and their authors are students of the Ivanovo Polytechnic University, the Stroganov Russian Academy of Art and Industry, the St. Petersburg University of Industrial Technologies and Design, the Kosygin Russian University, the A.L. Stieglitz St. Petersburg Academy of Art and Industry and a number of other educational institutions.

But that's not all: at the opening of the exhibition, the participants of the competition, residents of Ivanovo and guests of the city will meet with the general director of the company "Shuisky calico" Anna Bogadelina, designers and marketers of the enterprise. Participants will discuss the results of the competition and outline new areas of brand interaction with young designers.

For reference:

In 2022, the Textile Design - the Link of Times contest is held for the second year in a row and for the second time is included in the project "From local Fashion brands to success and image of Russia", supported by the Presidential Foundation for Cultural Initiatives.

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