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SeasonsTech will support the All-Russian Festival MODA 4.0

SeasonsTech will support the All-Russian Festival MODA 4.0

The SeasonsTech accelerator, implemented by the Russian Seasons company with the support of the non-governmental development institute Innopraktika, will act as a partner of the MODA 4.0 – EVOLUTION festival-competition, which will be held in Ivanovo from December 12 to 16.

The president of the Russian Seasons company, the founder of SeasonsTech, Daria Matsiyevskaya, as a member of the jury, will select three participants in the competition who will receive vouchers guaranteeing passage to the second stage of the third set of the acceleration program without a competition.

Russian Seasons and SeasonsTech support projects that are significant for the industry and strive for a productive dialogue between participants in the Russian light industry market. We hope to find interesting projects for the Accelerator from talented young people from Ivanovo, the flagship region for the industry, and especially from students and graduates of the Ivanovo Polytechnic University, on the basis of which the FASHION 4.0 festival is being implemented,” said Daria Matsiyevskaya.

It is worth adding that the Accelerator participants will receive professional expert support in the development of projects on two tracks to choose from: digital or technological, get acquainted with industrial partners and leading industry experts and present their projects to them at the end. The top six will receive development grants.

“Both the SeasonsTech accelerator and our festival, supported by the Presidential Fund for Cultural Initiatives, is a story for those who work in the industry and those who are just coming into it. We see our common task in helping talented young designers, constructors, technologists to gain confidence in their abilities and feel part of the DNA of the industry. For this purpose, a system of social lifts is being formed at the festival, which will allow young people to outline their own growth prospects in the profession,” said Alla Novikova, head of the information resources and communications department of the Ivanovo Polytechnic University.

For reference
SeasonsTech is a free accelerator program for the support and development of Russian innovative projects in the field of light industry, implemented by Russian Seasons with the support of Innopraktika, a non-governmental development institute. The partner of the program is the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation. Technological partner — Thermopol company, Hollofiber®. To participate in SeasonsTech 3.0, you must submit an application on the official website of the project before December 31, 2022.

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