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Ivanovo Polytechnic University at the company "Rodniki-Textile"

Ivanovo Polytechnic University at the company "Rodniki-Textile"

On September 14, employees of the Ivanovo Polytechnic visited the workshops of JSC "Rodniki-Textile".

The company, which firmly occupies its niche in the market of textile and clothing products in Russia, was visited by Vice-Rector for Educational Activities Alexey Matrokhin, Head of the Practice and Employment Department Elena Vlasova, Director of the Competence Development Institute Tatiana Novosad and a graduate student Anastasia Golitskova. The guests got acquainted with the modern assortment of fabrics and finished products of the enterprise, inspected the finishing equipment and equipment of the chemical laboratory, got acquainted with the deputy head of the dyeing and finishing production Marat Bakirov, discussed issues of training employees of the enterprise, exchange of experience, participation in events of the Ivanovo Polytechnic University with the Deputy General Director for Personnel Svetlana Chastukhina.

We should add that this year JSC "Rodniki-Textile" together with the company "Nordtex" celebrates its 30th anniversary. The company is actively developing, purchasing new equipment, solving personnel issues, working to improve the quality of products, improving technologies. In the summer, the company's employees took part in the "Marathon of Competencies" of the Polytechnic, repeatedly visited our university, developing plans for cooperation for the new academic year. Two employees of the enterprise entered the IVSPU College under targeted contracts, two more specialists began studying for a master's degree in the direction of "Quality Management".

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