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Ivanovo scientists are engaged in Arctic materials science

Ivanovo scientists are engaged in Arctic materials science

The author of the section of the collective monograph "Arctic Materials Science: State and development", dedicated to materials for the clothing of polar explorers, was Professor of the Department of EN and TB Natalia Prorokova.

The monograph edited by academicians of the Russian Academy of Sciences, well-known Russian scientists in the field of materials sciences Vyacheslav Buznik, Evgeny Kablov and Sergey Aldoshin was published from the Publishing Center of the Gubkin Russian State University of Oil and Gas and represents an attempt to generalize the analysis of Arctic materials science, defines its current state and designates promising areas. The book with the elements of the roadmap, which is important for the effective development of cold territories, was written by current specialists who create and explore Arctic materials.

Natalia Petrovna Prorokova is one of such specialists. For many years, she has been engaged in directed changes in the properties of fibrous materials, combining work with students of the Polytechnic University and in scientific laboratories of the Institute of Chemistry of Solutions of the Russian Academy of Sciences. She wrote the section devoted to Arctic materials taking into account her own experience, as well as on the basis of literature analysis and consultations with such specialists of IVSPU as Doctors of Technical Sciences Olga Meteleva and Tatiana Kareva.

The monograph "Arctic Materials Science: State and Development" can be found on the website of the IVSPU electronic library.

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