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Our students took part in the Victory Dictation

Our students took part in the Victory Dictation

Together with 1 million people around the world, students of the Polytechnic University also tested their knowledge of the Great Patriotic War.

They did it on September 3 during the international historical action "Victory Dictation". By the way, it was possible to test knowledge and show one's civic position in Ivanovo by visiting the open areas of the Dictation in the Central Universal Scientific Library and the Museum and Exhibition Center of the IGIKM. D.G. Burylin.

The dictation included two variants of 25 questions each. The questions were of a diverse nature: the participants were asked to insert missing words in the text, to name the author of the poem dedicated to the war, to name the city, event or participant in hostilities based on the given passage. Some questions were related to feature films and monuments dedicated to the Great Patriotic War.

By the way, high school students who have become winners of the Victory Dictation will receive up to 10 additional points when entering any university in the country, including our Polytechnic University!

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