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Ivanovo production workers highly appreciated the theses of mechanics and radio engineers

Ivanovo production workers highly appreciated the theses of mechanics and radio engineers

On June 23rd and 24th, at the Department of Mechatronics and Radioelectronics, the defense of final qualification works of bachelors in the areas of training both Technological machines and equipment (15.03.02) and Radio engineering(11.03.01) took place.

Both directions are highly demanded by the enterprises of the Ivanovo region, therefore, representatives of the plant named after. G.K. Korolev, IMZ Autocrane, Tekmal and Impulse companies. And Vladimir Shmelev, director of the Ivanovo branch of Voentelecom JSC - 733 of the Central Communications Repair Plant, became the chairman of the examination committee in the direction of 11.03.01 "Radio Engineering", Evgeny Dmitriev, HR Director of the Aquarius company, became a special guest.

The thesis papers presented to the production workers were mainly related to the modernization of equipment for the production and processing of textile materials and the use of modern electronics in various industries. Specialists and heads of enterprises especially noted the work of Pavel Gadalov (head Aleshin R.R.), Dmitry Ershov and Vitaly Romanov (head Toporova E.A.), Nikita Savelyev (head FominYu.G.), Ilya Shibky and Alexander Weber (head Ivanov A.V.), Pavel Egorov (supervisor Kulida N.A.).

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