Приемная комиссия: +7 (930) 36-205-80, +7 (4932) 30-45-01
Приемная ректора: + 7 (4932) 32-85-45, e-mail: rector@ivgpu.ru
Электронная приемная

We'll meet in September. At the Department of Economics, Management and Finance

On May 11, the Ivanovo Polytechnic University hosted an Open Day of the Department of Economics, Management and Finance, which was attended by graduates of the schools of the city Ivanovo and the district of Teikovo.

High school students learned about the educational programs implemented at the department, the rules of admission to the university this year and the prospects of employment after graduation, got acquainted with the teachers and the head of the department, Professor Sergey Mishurov.

To determine the future applicants* choice of profession, the teachers of the department presented them bachelor's degree programs in the areas of "Economics" (profiles of Economics of enterprises and organizations, Finance and Credit), "Management" (profile of Management of organizations) and "Trade" (profile Marketing and Advertising). We held a business game and a competition with the students, where the most active and quick-witted received memorable souvenirs. The presentation of educational programs was completed by third-year student DanilPoluyakhtov, who told the children about student life and the peculiarities of studying at the university.

A separate part of the Open Day program was the awarding of diplomas to the winners of the Interregional competition among students of secondary educational and professional institutions "POLYTECHNIC OF THE FUTURE". Students of Ivanovo school No. 58 ArtemiyBurov and ArtemBatyshev received well–deserved awards for their work on the topic "My dream is my own business". And the teacher of the children Elena Smirnova was awarded the gratitude of the rector of the IVSPU for the professionalism, active career guidance and support of the contest "POLYTECHNIC OF THE FUTURE".

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