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Students of the Department of Costume Design and Textiles named after N.G. Mizonova returned from the Delphic Games

Irina Mosaleva and Alexandra Chigireva, students of the Department of Costume and Textile Design named after N.G. Mizonova, represented the Ivanovo Region at the All-Russian Youth Delphic Games held in Krasnoyarsk.

For our sophomore girls, the creative competitions, which were attended by almost three thousand people from 79 subjects of the Russian Federation, became a bright event that left indelible and unforgettable impressions. As Irina Mosaleva said: "I am insanely glad that the Delphic Games were in my life! This is a huge experience, and the intensity of passions was comparable to a great sport."

In the Ivanovo delegation, Irina and Alexandra "answered" the direction related to fashion design. As a homework assignment, each presented a collection of clothes for the competition: Irina Mosaleva – the collection "Universe DIVA", Alexandra Chigireva - "Astro". Both works received high marks from the jury, and their authors passed to the second stage. There, in six hours, the girls had to come up with and make a model of clothes on the theme "Siberia is harsh and gentle", announced by the jury on the first day of the competition. They successfully coped with this task, then presented the results during the fashion show with musical accompaniment and their own speech comments.

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