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School Trend: results

The course "Graphic Design" for students of grades 8-11 has been completed at the TREND School of the Ivanovo Polytechnic University.

Certificates were presented to a group of students by the head of the Department of Costume Design and Textiles named after N.G. Mizonova Olga Surikova and the course teacher, senior lecturer of the department Alyona Marycheva.

Future applicants who have completed a full, semi-annual course or an intensive course of the TREND School, choosing a future profession, can now feel much more confident. The guys studied the basics of color science and composition, mastered the graphic programs Adobe Photoshop and Adobe Illustrator, learned how to create business cards and collages, develop posters, come up with sketches of clothes and prints. They got acquainted with printing technologies on fabrics, know what the term "customization" of clothing means, how industrial design products and author's works are created. And graduates of the TREND School also know that a designer is one of the few specialties that allow you to fully realize your creative potential and that you can get at IVSPU.

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