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Foreign students at the conference "World Without Borders-2022"

Foreign students of the Ivanovo Polytechnic University took part in the work of the International Scientific and Practical Conference of Students, Postgraduates and Young Scientists "World without Borders - 2022", held on April 26 and 27 at IvSU.

Our guys attended the plenary session and made presentations at three sections of the conference. At the section "Language and the World of Man" Aziza Bakaeva with her supervisor, Senior Lecturer of the Department of Foreign Languages, L.A. Nagradova presented the report “Phraseologisms in the Russian and Turkmen languages and their significance in the study of Russian as a foreign language”. Amarhel Tarefullah (supervisor: Senior Lecturer of the Department of Foreign Languages N.E. Bochkareva) made a report on the peculiarities of adaptation in Russia of foreign students, and Fayziddin Sirodzhov reported on the study of the design of the head of an automobile crane, which he conducted under the guidance of the head of the department of mechatronics and radio electronics R.R. Alyoshin.

All speakers received certificates confirming their participation in the conference. In addition, at the solemn part of the conference, teachers and students of the Polytechnic University were presented with letters of thanks and letters of thanks from the Department of Education of the Ivanovo Region and the Committee for Youth Policy, Physical Culture and Sports of the Ivanovo City Administration.

In addition to the student speakers, the conference was attended by: Abdurakhimzoda Mukhsin, Imatshoeva Shukron, Badirova Mehriniso, Kamolov Kurbanali, Toshov Ramazon, Abdurahimov Siyovush, Khaitov Abdulmajid, Ahrorov Ahroriddin, Mirzoev Makhmadullo, Saidov Rustamjon, Muloimkhonov Shorukh.

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