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The Polytechnic University team is the winner of the SkLab. Ivanovo

The student project “Development of TechSoft software” was recognized as the best according to the results of the SkLab.Ivanovo program organized by the Skolkovo Foundation, the Skolkovo Open University and the My Business center of the Ivanovo region.

For three days, teams from six Ivanovo universities, together with business mentors, developed ideas for their future startups and presented them at the final. The idea of the project proposed by our students is to develop software for design engineers and planners who conduct surveys of buildings and structures. Built-in neural network algorithms will help to recognize defects in construction sites, which will significantly speed up the preparation of their technical condition conclusion.

The project will be implemented on the basis of SMART RESEARCH LLC. The team that won this intellectual tournament included Dmitry Pavlov, Anastasia Golitskova, Victoria Kataeva, Anna Belikova, Arina Krikunova and Nikita Voronin. All participants of the SkLab.Ivanovo program who successfully completed the educational program received certificates from the Skolkovo Foundation, they also received tickets to Startup Village 2022.

“The objective of the event was to set the right vector – the commercialization of technology startups. The ideas of the participants, finalized with the help of experts and experienced entrepreneurs, will help them become residents of the Skolkovo Foundation in the future and receive grants under various programs,” said Lyudmila Dmitrieva, First Deputy Prime Minister of the Ivanovo Region, who was a member of the jury of this competition.

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