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Creation of Scientific and Educational Consortium «Ivanovo»

Creation of Scientific and Educational Consortium «Ivanovo»

On April 7, six Ivanovo universities - IvSU, IGEU, IVSPU, IvGMA, IHTU and IGSHA, as well as the Krestov Institute of Solution Chemistry of the Russian Academy of Sciences and the V.N. Gorodkov Research Institute of Motherhood and Childhood signed an agreement on the creation of the Ivanovo scientific and Educational consortium.

As noted in the text of the document, the agreement was concluded in order to combine the efforts, competencies and resources of all participants for their development and joint work in the field of education, science, social sphere and innovation.

The strategic objectives of the agreement are to strengthen the global competitiveness of Russian science and higher education, the development of Ivanov as a university city, the creation of a unique scientific, educational, technical, innovative and creative environment in the Ivanovo Region within the framework of the Interuniversity Campus project. At the same time, it was emphasized that the merger into a consortium presupposes the preservation of independence and corporate identity of all parties to the agreement.

Universities and research institutes intend to cooperate in the implementation of joint educational programs, creating conditions for academic mobility of students and the functioning of joint dissertation councils on the most promising scientific specialties, conducting joint research and integrating scientific organizations into the educational process. The creation of the consortium is also aimed at creating conditions for comfortable study, work, accommodation and leisure of students, teachers and scientists within the framework of the interuniversity campus and organizing educational, scientific, sports, social, creative events in order to strengthen interuniversity ties.

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