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IVSPU Development program: it was, it is, it will be

IVSPU Development program: it was, it is, it will be

A strategic session was held at the Polytechnic University on January 26-28. Directors of institutes, heads of departments, ordinary employees and representatives of the student community discussed the development strategy of the university, providing it with a competitive advantage and compliance with the priorities and national development goals of the country.

First of all, the participants of the session had to analyze the implementation of projects for 2019-2021 in the main areas of the university's development related to the organization and content of the educational process, research, transformation of the infrastructure and management system of the university, the development of industrial relations, education programs and social activity of students. As a result, projects were identified that did not make a significant contribution to the implementation of the university's Development Program, as well as project proposals for the next three years were formed, which can become a significant impetus to the development of the university and bring tangible results.

At the final stage, on the third day of the session, the teams presented their vision of the University's Development Program for the near future. The issue of making changes in the Program has been submitted to the next meeting of the Academic Council of the university.

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