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The Project Festival followed the Fashion Festival

The Project Festival followed the Fashion Festival

From 15th to 17th December, the Polytechnic University hosted the Festival of Projects among the students of the Institute of Textile Industry and Fashion, the Institute of Architecture, Construction and Transport and the Institute of Information Technologies, Natural Sciences and Humanities.

It should be noted that the project activities of students have become an integral part of the educational process of the Polytechnic University, and the results of work in each academic semester are summed up at the traditional Festival of Projects. More than one hundred students took part in the current event, who presented twenty-six best projects, carried out individually or in a team.

The work of students was assessed by the directors of institutes, heads of departments and leading lecturers. All participants of the Festival received certificates of participation, and their Diaries of Achievements were replenished with additional points. Authors, whose works were recognized as the best, were awarded with diplomas of I, II and III degrees.

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