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The lecturer of the Ivanovo Polytechnic University became a certified specialist in the field of digital fashion

The lecturer of the Ivanovo Polytechnic University became a certified specialist in the field of digital fashion

Natalia Sakharova, Associate Professor of the Department of Garment Design, IVSPU, became a certified specialist in the field of digital fashion, having completed the course "Digital Fashion 101" from the Parsons School of Design (New York, USA) and The Digital Fashion Group Academy.

The group in which Natalia Alexandrovna studied included 25 people from the USA, Spain, Nigeria, Austria, the Netherlands, Great Britain, India. Of these, only two are representatives of Russia! Moreover, based on the assessment of the tasks completed by the applicants, Natalia Sakharova was included in the number of candidates provided with a personal scholarship that repays the considerable cost of six weeks training.

When asked what the course developed by the teachers of The Digital Fashion Group Sean Chiles and Leslie Holden gave, Natalia Aleksandrovna replied: intelligence to create artistic images of digital clothing models. This is a completely different format for presenting material in online learning, excellent practical experience, new knowledge and skills that will undoubtedly be used in the educational process. "

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