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The Student Design Bureau "Novator" starts working at the Polytech

The Student Design Bureau "Novator" starts working at the Polytech

The industrial partner and initiator of the creation of the Student Design Bureau for the students of the Department of Mechatronics and Radioelectronics of the IVGPU was the Galich Truck Crane Plant. The corresponding agreement was signed a few days ago.

On the territory of the coworking space of the base department of JSCB “Stal”, already operating at the Polytechnic University, all conditions will be created for enhanced training of future engineers. Together with experienced practicing designers, students who have passed the selection in the SKB will develop units for truck cranes and other special equipment, gain work experience and employment opportunities at a real enterprise, which is one of the leaders in the engineering industry.

In addition, open lectures, seminars and consultations will be held here for all students of technical specialties, and internships at crane manufacturing enterprises will allow them to get even closer to the intricacies of the profession, test their theoretical knowledge and acquire the necessary professional experience that will be useful in the future.

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