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The company "Manufactures Bosco" is interested in personnel training in Ivanovo

The company "Manufactures Bosco" is interested in personnel training in Ivanovo

On June 23, Ivanovo State Polytechnic University and Manufactory Bosco signed an agreement of intent, according to which the parties will act in certain areas of cooperation in the next academic year.

At the meeting the rector of the university Yevgeny Rumyantsev, the vice-rector for educational activities Alexei Matrokhin and the head of the practice and employment department Elena Vlasova, the leading recruiting specialist Oksana Alichkina and the head of the Manufacturing Bosco training center Tatyana Kukushkina discussed the possibility of targeted training of a large group of specialists of this enterprise in the sphere of "Technology of light industry products" and the company's participation in the organization of the educational process by means of project activities.

The guests also got acquainted with the working sites of the Fashion Design and Technology Studio, the Competence Center for Textile and Light Industry, attended the defense of the theses of the students of the Department of Garment Design and met with the teachers and graduates of the University and the IVSPU College. Having highly appreciated the general and professional competencies of students, and the conditions in which their training is held, the representatives of the company invited young specialists to start their career at their enterprise.

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