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Department of Clothing Design presented Polytechnic University at the international conference

Department of Clothing Design presented Polytechnic University at the international conference

At the international conference "Innovations in Textiles, Clothing, Footwear" held from 8 to 10 June at the Vitebsk State Technological University, two reports of the scientists of our university were presented.

Viktor Kuzmichev, head of the Department of Clothing Design at the IVSPU, delivered a report "Development of clothing design in the context of digitalization of production and consumption" at the plenary session (DEVELOPMENT OF CLOTHING DESIGN IN THE CONTEXT OF DIGITALIZATION OF PRODUCTION AND CONSUMPTION). And the senior lecturer of the department Irina Zhukova presented the report "Digital avatars of typical Russian bodies" (DIGITAL AVATARS OF RUSSIAN TYPICAL BODIES). After peer review, the reports of the ICTAI 2021 conference will be published in English and indexed in Scopus and Web of Science.

We want to add that the co-founders of the conference, in addition to the Vitebsk State Technological University, were the Russian State University named after A.N. Kosygin and Ivanovo Polytechnic University. Professor V.E. Kuzmichev became a member of its Program Committee. The event was held in a hybrid format, which made it possible to attract scientists from Belgium, Greece, Latvia, the Ukraine, Germany and Uzbekistan.

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