An agreement on the creation of the base department of LLC “Biser” was signed at Ivanovo State Polytechnical University
On October 24, an agreement was signed on the creation of the base department of LLC “Biser” at Ivanovo State Polytechnic University. The document was signed by the rector of the university, Evgeny Rumyantsev, and the manager of the company, Roman Seredkin
The University and LLC “Biser” agreed to create a basic department for the staffing of the company and practical training of students in educational programs 29.00.00 Light industry technology, course 54.03.03 Art of costume and textile and others.
To solve these problems, the company will begin to implement part of the educational programs aimed at the formation, consolidation and development of skills and competencies in relevant profiles, take part in research activities and the formation of graduate qualification (diploma) work, will assist in passing all types of practices and other types of work provided for in the educational program.
For your information
The Group of Companies “Biser” has been leading its history since February 1994. The first production site was opened in the urban-type settlement Luh, later enterprises appeared in the city of Vichuga, the village of Kamenka and the city of Kineshma, Ivanovo Region.
Today, the Biser Group of Companies includes five production sites in Ivanovo Region, its own design department, laboratory, office and warehouse complex with an area of more than 2000 square meters. The constant introduction of new technologies and the improvement of production processes, as well as the development of new working methods, gives the company the opportunity to produce high-tech clothes from different types of fabrics in any style and style.