We Start New Educational Programs For The Region And The Country
The Polytechnic University launched a number of new relevant educational programs in the upcoming academic year. We publish an interview with Evgeny Rumyantsev, the rector of the Ivanovo State Polytechnic University.
Along with the approval of the list of new educational programs the entry requirements for 2020/21 academic year have been presented on the University website. But the admission campaign is still far away. What is the advantage of highlighting the rules in advance?
- First of all, this was done so that the potential applicant could have enough time to think and make a decision what course of study to choose, guided by his interest in a particular area of activity. It is clear that during the four academic years, when the student will stay in the walls of the University, there may be changes in the teaching methodology or some other changes. But if a young man “fell ill” with his chosen profession, it will be easier for him to accept these innovations.
And secondly, in professions training, our Polytech not only keeps pace with the times, but tries to be ahead of it. The team works as if looking to the future. Therefore, the educational programs of the Polytechnic University are being changed and improved, and new ones appear every year. This is due to today's labor market demand and the forecast for the coming years.
A guideline for us is the requests of our partners, the number of which is constantly growing. We proceed from their specific applications for certain specialists in the textile and light industries, in the construction industry. Therefore, the percentage of employment of our graduates is one of the highest among the regional Universities.
- What is new awaiting today's secondary school seniors who will choose Polytech and come here to study next year?
- The University is constantly improving educational programs, following its Development Strategy and the demands of its partners - employers. In the coming academic year, a number of new programs will be available for a new generation of students, including "Environmental Protection" (direction Ecology and Nature Management), "Territorial Planning" (direction Land Management and Cadastres), "Advanced Technologies and Expertise of Quality of Building Materials" (direction Materials Science and Technology of Materials), “Industrial Design of clothes” (direction Design of Light Industry Pproducts).
Particular attention is paid to ecology. Environmental issues is the problem number 1 not only in our region, but also in the country as a whole. Experts sound the alarm, predicting the irreversible consequences that humanity will face in the near future due to a rash attitude to nature. And people who have gained professional knowledge in the field of environmental protection are becoming more and more in demand.
Another relevant innovation: future applicants are offered a program related to the operation and repair of technological machinery and equipment. Today, in almost every industry, there is a critical shortage of such specialists! There is also a completely new speciality for our University, Technosphere Safety and Environmental Engineering (program "Fire Safety. Risk Control in the Field of Fire Safety").
A lot of innovations are waiting for Master of Science students. In particular, increasing attention is being paid to the customization of clothing production. This is exactly what undergraduates will study in the direction of Designing Light Industry Products (program "Design and Customization of Clothing").
Civil Engineering is being constantly extending. We are all witnesses of how new materials come to life with a variety of predetermined qualities. Therefore, knowledge of structural materials and composites is of particular importance - this is exactly what Master of Science students will study in the relevant area of Materials Science and Materials Technology (program "Materials Science and Technologies of Construction Materials and Composites"). And of course, BIM technologies are becoming a part of the daily lives of designers and contractors. They will also be studied in the direction of Construction.
I am sure that the new direction of training Service and Tourism (the program "Social and Cultural Service and Tourism") will be relevant and demanded. Time dictates the intensification of domestic tourism, and this requires a lot of specially trained personnel.
- One of the main components of the Polytech is targeted training of graduates. Are there any changes in this area?
- Sure! This academic year, we accepted 11 people for targeted training under contracts with the municipalities of the Ivanovo region. These guys will receive guarantees of practical training and employment upon graduation from Polytech, as well as social support and the basis for their project activities at the University. In the future, the practice of targeted training will be expanded through direct contacts of ISPU and employers.
Now, as part of the MAYAK program (My Bright Career Academy), senior students meet with employers, specify the details of their future profession, and can submit their resume. More and more often, right at these meetings, the companies representatives find potential employees. And this once again proves that the Polytech clearly captures tomorrow's requests and quickly responds to them. So, we have chosen the right course!
The entry requirements to ISPU for the 2020/2021 academic year are available on our website.